For the 2021 ball, click here. Time travel is so confusing!
Set the dodgy controls of your favourite time travelling vehicle and whirl your way back in time to the Victorian era, but with a difference.
Destination: Wesley Hall, 58 Melville St, Hobart
Date and time: Saturday, 27th October 2018 (or should that be 1868?), 7:30pm
What: Steampunk Ball

Fun and lively period dances with simply thrilling music by the Black Swans of Trespass.
Dancing master: David “Oddsocks” Wanless
Tea duelling under the masterful direction of our Tiffenmaster, Sir Nicholas Hewenn.
Hat and glove elimination cotillon. Bring hat or gloves to participate.
You are most definitely encouraged to dress in your finest steampunk, Victoriana or formal attire. Dress to impress. (For ideas, search the web for make steampunk outfit, dress like a victorian or make victorian outfit, or look at the event page below. You can do a lot with opp shop clothes and trinkets.)
All dances taught. No dancing experience or partner required. All ages welcome.
Please bring a plate of supper.
Tickets $17/$15/$14/$8 at or at the door. Bookings advised.
Optional dance workshop, 2-4pm, Wesley Hall, $8. Feel free to attend just the ball, but if you’d like to learn or brush up on some dances, or just want another two hours of dancing, come to the workshop.
Event page:
03 6273 2127
Facebook/Meetup: dance folk tasmania
Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc
Time travel can be a little disorienting. If you’d like to get your bearings before arriving at the Steampunk Ball, arrive a few hours early and get some hints about blending in with the locals on the dance floor.
Optional dance workshop, 2-4pm, Wesley Hall, $8. Feel free to attend just the ball, but if you’d like to learn or brush up on some dances, or just want another two hours of dancing, come to the workshop.
Also, we will be practising the Chess Dance, where we all take on the roles of chess pieces on our giant chess board. All being well, we’ll be doing the dance during the evening at the ball.