Where to go for information about getting involved in folk dancing, dance bands and instructions for folk dancing.
Major dance events are now listed on our public Facebook page and in the panel on the right.
See our Venues Page for information on venues.
Dance Bands – Some information about some of the bands who play for dances in Tasmania, including some of their own web sites
The Tango is Tasmanian – old time and set dances of Tasmania (dance book)
The Overland Track Suite – dances for Tasmania’s wilderness (dance book)
Down Under Contra 2 – contains some Tasmanian dances (contact folkdancetas@gmail.com for copies)
Regular Dance Events/Classes/Sessions
We advise you to check with the venues or organisers of regular events before travelling – sometimes sessions and regular events cease, change, or miss a week. While we give the latest information we have here, some of it may be out of date!
If you know that an event has changed, please let us know via email to news@folktas.org
North – Dance
Every Tuesday: Scottish Country Dancing at Burnie
FFT Burnie Scottish Country Dancers dance on Tuesday evenings at Burnie Anglican Hall, Cattley St, Burnie, from 7.30 to 9.30pm. The group includes dancers at all levels, so beginners are welcome. No age limit. Partners welcome but not required! The cost is only $5 per person, to cover hall costs. We have supper after dancing on the first Tuesday of the month.
For more information, contact Simon Nettleton <simon@nettleton.id.au> or phone 0428 144 712
Every Friday: Dancing with a Scottish Flavour at Ulverstone
We are a group of seniors who meet for slow paced social set dancing.
The group dances regularly on Friday mornings, 9.30am to 11am, at the Ulverstone Rowing Club.
For more information, contact Trina Moule <m4tmoule@gmail.com>
FFT The Reel Scottish Country Dancers, Launceston:
Contact: Tony Northey <tonynorthey@gmail.com> or phone 03 6331 8892
Inner Sanctuary with Emma – NW Coast
Irish Dancing, Launceston: Contact Aileen Poynter, poyntdel@bigpond.net.au or 03 6331 2246
Launceston School of Bellydance: Are you interested in learning Middle Eastern dance? A great way to keep fit and flexible and have a lot of fun (and admirers). Contact Vicki, 6331 8668 or Mara, 6331 102
Clogging in NW Tas:
Penguin – Monday evening.
Wynyard – Wednesday evening and Friday morning.
Contact Jan Collins 0415 922 433 or
For information about clogging, go to www.cloggingaustralia.com
What is clogging?
It’s not Dutch – and we don’t wear wooden shoes!
Originally from the Appalachian mountains in USA, it is a tap-style dance with traditional links to Bluegrass and Old Time string band music. In its modern form, clogging is choreographed to all different types of music, and in Australia it is generally taught in a casual and friendly club atmosphere.
South – Dance
Last Saturday of each month March-Nov (except Easter) – but see panel to the right for special events: Themed folk dances with great live bands, St James Hall, 462 Elizabeth St, New Town (off Rupert Avenue, enter behind church), 7:15 for 7:30pm.
Info: 03 6273 2127 or folkdancetas@gmail.com. Spirited dancing to fantastic live music by Tasmania’s finest dance bands. Dances include bush dances, balkan dances, mediaeval and renaissance dances, Irish ceilidhs, Scottish ceilidhs, contra dances, Klezmer dances, Balfolk dances, contemporary and traditional Australian dances.
See full details of particular dances on Dance Folk Tasmania! or in the panel on the right of this page.
Monday Night Folk Dances: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, Feb-Dec (except Easter)
7:15 for 7:30-9:30pm (including quick beginner’s/refresher workshop at 7:30 so if you’ve not been before, try to be there at the start)
St James Hall, 462 Elizabeth St, New Town (off Rupert Avenue, opposite Blue Gum, enter behind church)
Most nights are US contra dances, but sometimes we have French Balfolk dances. Both are fun, exciting and lively, with no dancing experience required.
Contra Dances: Tickets are here | See below for info
Balfolk Dances: Tickets are here | See below for info
If you’re not smiling, you’re not dancing!
FFT Oatlands Scottish Country Dancers on Tuesdays
Meets weekly but alternately between two venues:
1st/3rd/5th (when they occur) Tuesdays of the month: Pat Murnane Hall, 188 Lenah Valley Rd, Lenah Valley 7:30 – 9:30pm
2nd/4th Tuesdays: Oatlands Hall, 1 Gay Street, Oatlands 7:30 – 9:30pm
With the emphasis on fun, Robert teaches interesting dances to the friendly group dance with a break for supper. Cost is $8 Waged, $5 unwaged; tea, coffee, biscuits supplied. Novices are always welcome. There is an annual Oatlands Ball each November.
For class information please SMS (not ring) Robert on 0408290954 or email rttasmail@gmail.com
Learn Mediaeval Dance. Last Tuesday of the month, at hall under grandstand at showground. 7.30pm. Cost $7 but only $2 if you pay for SCA membership for the year (around $35 a year). $5 first time if you don’t sign up to be a member. (We have to charge the $5 extra to non-members because of insurance issues.)
Check before attending, contact Jill on 0407 057 931 (outside business hours).
Hora Tasmania (Israeli Dancing) at Caledonian Society Hall, 31 Homer Ave, Moonah, Wednesdays 10.00am-12:00 noon
Venue: Caledonian Society Hall, 31 Homer Avenue, Moonah
Off Springfield Avenue, right hand side as you go up towards the mountain
Cost : $5
Footwear: Suitable soft soled shoes
Enquiries: Michiko 6273 6327, 0423 173 497 or michiko.gough@gmail.com
The Hobart Multicultural Dance Group is an informal group of people who meet weekly to share folk dances from a range of cultures (e.g. Israel, Greece, the Balkans) and contemporary Circle Dances choreographed using traditional steps. We also occasionally host visiting dance teachers and run workshops. You are welcome to join us at our regular dances. No previous experience is expected.
Recreational Folk and Circle Dance
Every Thursday, 7:30-9:30pm, St James Hall, Rupert Av, New Town. Cost is $5/$4.
“Sacred Circle Dancing”
The third Sunday in each month, 7-9pm followed by supper, St James Hall, Rupert Av, New Town. Cost is $5/$4, and bring a contribution to a shared supper.
For further information contact:
Peter & Krista Sands 0427 786 177, email Peter Sands
Kate Shaw: 0417 898 177 (leave msg)
TASCAL Scottish Country Dancers (Hobart) Inc.
Join us in some friendly dancing to the strathspeys, reels and jigs of Scotland
Meet Thursday evenings 7.30 – 9:30 p.m, usually followed by supper.
Caledonian Society Hall, 31 Homer Avenue, Moonah.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/367564940111227/
Affiliated with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Scotland.
For further information, details and contacts go to www.rscds.org.au/tasmania.html#/ or email tascaldance@gmail.com, or contact Sarah 0409 218 414
Weekly: Irish Dancing Classes Hobart (Adults and Children).
Youth: Monday & Saturday
Adult: Wednesday
Please contact Bronwyn Kelly on 0406 872 425 or hobartirishdancing@yahoo.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scoil-Rince-Ni-Kelly/597361766942874
Authentic Greek dancing classes
Hellenic Dancers Hobart
Centre of Hellenic Cultural Studies
65 Federal Street, North Hobart
Tasmania 7000
(in the main hall at the back, or upstairs in the front building – entrance on the Glebe/ car park exit side)
Intermediate class: Fridays 6pm – 7pm
Advanced Class: Weds 6:30pm-8pm
Adult class as requested, please contact Anastazia as below.
0498 940 603
The Jolley Hatters Morris dancers teach dance, practise weekly and have done so for 20 years, and dance out regularly at paying and volunteer gigs. We have a membership age range of 18 to 75 but most of us are in our early 50’s and enjoy the mental and physical exercise and companionship that comes from being a member of a Morris side. The dances taught are as preserved by Sharp at the beginning of the last century with precise stepping and preservation of English regional distinctiveness. Morris music is always live with the musician part of the dance and this over the years, has been instrumental in introducing a number of fine musicians to folk music.
So that’s what we are about, where else can you learn to caper, do whole heys and rant to make the road to hell so much more fun?
To get involved please contact: Diana Davies, Squire, Jolley Hatters Morris
Email:didavies23@gmail.com Phone: 0423 652 431 FB: https://www.facebook.com/jolleyhattersmorris/

Claremont Scottish Nights:
Scottish balls, ceilidhs and events with accordionist Iain MacLeod, pipers and called dances
For more details, please contact Kylie MacLeod, 0488 442 922.
Regular and special Swing Dance events – see www.TasSwing.com.au
Line Dancing: Thursday nights at Orielton, 7pm; Monday nights at Buckland, 7pm. Contact Kathy Mace, rnkmace.woodsden@bigpond.com, 0419 553 594
Square Dance groups:
Casino City Square Dance Club: 03 6244 2144, 7 Balamara St, Bellerive
Dance calendar from dancecal.info
(Please note that the calendar is updated less frequently than our Forthcoming Events page, so always consult the Forthcoming Events page first. More details of regular events can be found above.)
[googleapps domain=”www” dir=”calendar/embed” query=”src=dv7dsp8aglomsip87d810uak9g%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Australia/Hobart” width=”800″ height=”600″ /]