For the 2021 ball, click here. Time travel is so confusing!
Set the dodgy controls of your favourite time travelling vehicle and whirl your way back in time to the Victorian era, but with a difference.
Destination: St James Hall, 462 Elizabeth St, Hobart (off Rupert Ave, opposite Blue Gum, enter behind church)
Date and time: Saturday, 31st October 2020 (or should that be 1870?), 7:15 for 7:30-11:30pm.
What: Steampunk Ball

Fun and lively period dances with simply thrilling music by the Black Swans of Trespass.
Dancing master: David “Oddsocks” Wanless
Tea duelling under the masterful direction of our Tiffin Master.
Hat and glove elimination cotillon. Bring hat or gloves to participate.
You are most definitely encouraged to dress in your finest steampunk, Victoriana or formal attire. Dress to impress. (For ideas, search the web for make steampunk outfit, dress like a Victorian or make victorian outfit, or look at the event page below. You can do a lot with opp shop clothes and trinkets.)
All dances taught. No dancing experience or partner required. All ages welcome.
Please bring a plate of supper.
Tickets $19/$17/$16/$10 at ( or credit card at the door. Bookings advised.
Conditions of entry:
This ball is being held in conjunction with Narryna Heritage Museum. Some of us will be dancing at Narryna in costume on Saturday, 10th October. See for details.
Event page:
03 6273 2127
Facebook/Meetup: dance folk tasmania
Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc
If you’d like to learn or practice the Chess Dance, come along to Danceoholics Unanimous, after our Buttongrass Ball on Friday, 9th October, at the same venue (St James Hall). From about 10:30pm we will all take on the roles of chess pieces on our giant chess board. All being well, we’ll be doing the dance during the evening at the ball.